Moder, Jötunn, pretty scary movie, i watched it during quarantine time, and i watched this morning again. love the story of this giant ancient, the bastard offspring of Loki, with the superhuman strength, telepathy, sentience and causing hallucinations. but it seems Moder is trapped in that forest, and is banned from escaping into the out-world
新人导演首作入选了今年戛纳特别展映寻找满月粤语版无法亲往的人至少有个privilege是能比戛纳提早解锁它和《啪啪啪漫画3d》同类型同风格看完能清晰感受到戛纳对大陆新犯罪片视听审美的偏好:低照度霓虹色光本片甚至还有种心灵视角一般的探照灯光声音设计更是时刻紧贴心理变化根据主角心理情绪打乱时间线来重新剪辑靠单视点的局限性来加深案件的迷惑性反而不宜在看完后呵责核心情节的简单这可能是七月之前最后一部犯罪悬疑片了且看且珍惜 章宇的短暂客串很出彩are you lonesome tonight瞬回牯岭街的小猫王;张艾嘉安静中尽显中年女人的风韵魅力不止我一个人期待她和彭于晏发生点什么吧